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Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in any set of files, originally designed for coordinating work among programmers cooperating on source code during software development.

Software needed

SimStadt repository

The SimStadt repository is at :

Private repository

Please note that only HfT colleagues and project partners have access to the source-code. SimStadt might be open-sourced in the future.

  • Server :
  • Port : 22
  • User : git
  • Repository : simstadt

The user is called git for everyone. The user management is done via the public key. For example:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCzaFc2VFhnp3wHQ6IisQnfdCZynamrL6QKr8K8esLSl/WJbgNdmS1eU79disAhcqgXP9Z3ISlHOn3CHfgOKlfk+29FoDgTis5YjjeUklI1+HTw19XcwrQlWyVABWWgyD4QAvTF0x9XEVqzpGanSbRC/S6smx2xHHQ2JTuBKRw6D/UYG5ZdXL27A5ZW31h8Q8iBTKhIShNm8fajiBM0eYIuOuh1M+tM7vlfMxbe7xJsgkX1fO9I1kUtQ13mIPm/i0biS4fkIx568T5tHc26oZYOwZLSIOUz4mHSAdPU4a9tQnsvL9BGOUqhKxO7DKtOx5Y4/Y5IQ6hYayZJqd1ng5gf

SimStadt documentation repository

The SimStadt Documentation repository is at :



  • Create a SSH key pair with puttygen
  • Send the public key to Eric
  • Clone the repository at ssh://