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Install software


Java 8

Java version 8 64-bit should be installed on the system, either as JDK or JRE, with JavaFX libraries.

Liberica JDK is known to work well for SimStadt:

Liberica JDK — а free, supported and 100% open-source binary distribution

  • If you want to use SimStadt : you can download the Full JRE. (mirror)
  • If you want to write Java code and use it in SimStadt : you can download the Full JDK. (mirror)

Installations for macOS or Linux are available here, for example:

Oracle JDK

SimStadt should work fine with Oracle JDK 8. Oracle Java SE license has changed in 2019, though, and OpenJDK versions should be preferred.

Error: Could not find or load main class eu.simstadt.desktop.SimStadtApp

If SimStadt does not start and outputs Error: Could not find or load main class eu.simstadt.desktop.SimStadtApp, it might mean that a library is missing. For example, the openjdk-8-jre.deb Ubuntu package does not contain JavaFX libraries. Liberica JDK should be installed instead.


INSEL 8 : Software for simulation, monitoring, and visualization of energy systems

INSEL is used as the engine for multiple workflow steps, and should be installed before SimStadt is started.

INSEL is now freeware, and can be downloaded:


SimStadt is in constant development.

Here's the most recent version.

This zip file can be extracted anywhere you want, and contains executables for Windows (SimStadt.bat), Linux ( and macOS (SimStadt.command).

Test Repository

HfT Stuttgart Campus

SimStadt workflows need CityGML files as input, distributed in project folders inside a repository.

  • Here is an example repository, with some predefined projects and CityGML files (e.g. for HfT Stuttgart campus, NYC or Rotterdam).
  • You can extract this zip folder anywhere you want.
  • The first time you start SimStadt, you can select a location pointing at this repository.


Gnuplot is a portable, multi-platform, command-line driven graphing utility

Gnuplot is used by some workflowsteps (e.g. Visualization) for visualization purposes.

It can be downloaded here. (mirror)


SimStadt v2

A new data model is actively in development. Not every workflow has been ported though, and some bugs are expected. If you are interested in the new features (green water workflow, more detailed load profile and a new shadowing algorithm), feel free to try SimStadt v2.

FZK Viewer

FZKViewer is a software tool for the visualization of semantic data models from the fields of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and GIS (Geographic Information Systems). The focus here is on open standardized data formats.

FZKViewer is developed by KIT and is a usefool tool in order to visualize or check CityGML files. It can be downloaded here. (mirror)

Simplified Radiosity Algorithm

Simplified Radiosity Algorithm is required by IrradianceProcessor for shadow calculations.